Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Flight the flu with the natural immunity boosters

While the CDC is stating that the best way to help prevent the flu is to get the flu shot, Food Consumer knows that our readers want to know what they can do beyond that to help ward off the flu. We've gathered together some of the latest findings on flu prevention through supplementation and nutrition for your perusal. Some of what we mention won't surprise you, but others just might.

The bottom line is that in order to fight the flu, we need to fortify our immune systems before they come under frontal attack. Fortunately, there are foods and supplements out there that do just that; most of them can be purchased at your local grocery or natural food store.

*Vitamin C. We'll start with the obvious-no-brainer issue of vitamin C, the flu's public enemy number one. We've all known people who start taking extra doses of vitamin C at the first sign of a cold or the flu. This is a smart thing to do, but an even smarter approach is to start taking it before the flu season gets into high gear. Nutrition experts suggest 500-1000 mg. per day to proactively stave off illness. For more information, readers may visitwww.vitamincfoundation.org.

*Vitamin D. For many years, researchers believed that the only valuable function of the sunshine vitamin was in its endocrinal support in helping the body absorb calcium; most calcium supplements on the shelf have vitamin D as well.

But Vitamin D is emerging as one of the most vigorous antibiotics out there. In 2006, the journal Epidemiology and Infection reported on a study showing that activated vitamin D works as a steroid hormone, and that children who are D deficient are more susceptible to viral infections and respiratory ailments. The journal Pediatric Research concurred, citing the increased risk of viral infections in children deficient in the vitamin.

The abstract to the above mentioned study referred to solar radiation as nature's "seasonal stimulus." Skin cancer not withstanding, most of the American population is lacking in vitamin D. While experts say that 15-30 minutes of sun per day is adequate for most adults, they also recommend supplementation when sunlight isn't practical. Health.com suggests 1500-2000 IU/day to help ward off infection.

For more information on vitamin D and prevention of flu or swine flu, visit www.vitamindcouncil.org.

*Zinc. This powerful mineral boosts white blood cells, which are essential to the immune system during flu season. One study in which 50 people with cold symptoms were given a zinc lozenge every two hours reported a drastic reduction in the severity of those symptoms.

*Selenium. Selenium is not easy to obtain through fruits and vegetables, as only soil that is rich with volcanic ash produces selenium-rich produce. Researchers recommend 200 mgs of the mineral, which reduces inflammation and helps clear the body of the flu virus.

While the above supplements can help in the upcoming flu fight, researchers have also reported that the following foods help in supporting healthy immunity:

*Yogurt. But not just ordinary yogurt; make sure you purchase yogurt with active yogurt cultures, which are natural probiotics that ensure a healthy gut. An Austrian study reports that just 7 oz. per day is adequate. If you are put on antibiotics, however, you will likely need to consume more to counteract the antibiotic mechanism that kills good bacteria along with the bad.

*Garlic. On his website, Dr. Joe Mercola cites a study in which 146 people were given either garlic supplements or a placebo. Those who took the garlic were 2/3 less likely to come down with a cold. Researchers state that 2 cloves of garlic/day are good for immune system, although supplements are just as effective.

*Black and Green Tea. We've all heard of the benefits of green tea, a powerful antioxidant that wards off all kinds of ailments. Prevention.com states that black tea is just as beneficial to the immune system, because both teas have L-theanine, a proven flu fighter.

Every trained soldier knows that in order to win the battle, we must know our enemy. When it comes to the flu, we also need to be aware of our weaponry, as it can mean the difference between illness and health.


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