Monday, September 7, 2009

Natural Health 101: Chlorella algae is a true superfood

Chlorella is a simple, single-celled green algae, that hails from freshwater pools and rivers of the Far East. There is emerging research around the world – though most especially in China and Japan – showing just how much of a superfood it is.

Some studies have focused on its cancer-fighting capabilities. They have shown that it may have a positive effect in preventing cancer, and there have been conflicting results as to whether or not it can help reduce tumors once they have developed.

Several studies have shown it to have a whole host of immune system boosting effects, including the production of interferon and T-cells. It is also a powerful detoxifier, even including heavy metals.

But perhaps the greatest feature of chlorella is how close to a complete source of nutrients it is, wider than any other single food. It contains many vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, and the entire vitamin B complex, not to mention being one of the few food sources of vitamin D. It contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, and other important trace minerals. It also has omega-3 fatty acids, and eighteen of the twenty-two amino acids the body requires, including all of the 'essential' amino acids which must be acquired through food. And last but not least, it has among the highest protein content available in any edible plant form.

All of these factors combine to give chlorella a range of health benefits that seem almost unparalleled, including many so-called "lifestyle diseases", such as obesity, diabetes, depression, chronic indigestion, and heart disease.


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