Monday, September 21, 2009


This is a promise. After you finish reading this piece, you will never again look down on the humble banana.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you one of nature’s most wonderful and inexpensive little gift to us. It comes all packed, doesn’t need any washing or cutting and is ready to eat. It is full of nutrition and is the perfect snack. I have grown up on it, thanks to the frequent care talks from my parents. “It is nature’s own convenience food,” they used to tell us and claim that, “It stores solar energy.” Finally, they would conclude by saying, “Eat it.” So every single breakfast was topped off with a banana, a wonderful fruit with great health benefits which our parents, the monkeys and I seemed to know about. That was then.

- Two small bananas contain the same amount of fibre as a slice of whole wheat bread?
- Bananas can also help in alleviating blood pressure?
- Bananas indirectly help in lowering blood cholesterol.
- Bananas also contain vitamin C, are a good source of vitamin A and B6 too.

Here’s how, Bananas are a powerhouse of potassium. Research has shown that potassium plays a role in controlling blood pressure. This mineral is also beneficial in eliminating poisonous waste from the kidneys. It is rich in magnesium, which promotes absorption and metabolism of calcium.

Two small bananas provide about as much fibre as a slice of whole wheat bread. But unlike bread, bananas contain a significant amount of soluble fibre and as shown in studies conducted at the University of Minnesota, diets rich in fruits, vegetables and legumes help lower blood cholesterol and soluble fibre has earned credit for doing this job.


All this apart, I love the taste of the banana when it is about to burst with ripeness,and that is why when it comes to fruits, I always pick a banana over some fruit. I also enjoy it chopped in my salad or made crunchy with peanuts. Try making a simply scrumptious dessert by sautéing sliced bananas in orange juice and adding a pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon. Try baking banana pieces after tossing with lime juice and honey and let them bake till almost tender and you’ll understand why bananas are worth going bananas over.


Bananas release energy slowly, thus helping to build endurance and stamina, which is very important when it comes to sports.


Pregnant mothers need increased energy and nutrient levels. Demands for vitamin C and folate increase during pregnancy and bananas prove to be an excellent source of both. They are also easily digestible and are a convenient snack, particularly helpful at times when problems like nausea make regular eating a problem.


Bananas are also a particularly useful food in old age as they can be easily peeled, are easy to eat, rich in vitamin C B6 and folate, and provide fibre and resistant starch. They also help prevent constipation, an increasing problem with advancing years.


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